How Many Cigarettes are in an IGET Vape?

2 min readDec 22, 2022


Vaping has become increasingly popular as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes. But if you’re new to vaping, you may be wondering how much of your nicotine intake is equivalent to a single cigarette. Here, we will break down the basics of the IGET vape and explain why so many people prefer it over other e-cigarette products.

What is an IGET vape?

An IGET vape is a type of electronic cigarette that uses refillable cartridges of liquid nicotine and comes with various flavors and nicotine levels. Unlike regular cigarettes, these vapes do not use combustible tobacco or produce any smoke or ash. The cartridges contain e-liquid, which is heated via an atomizer to produce vapor instead of smoke. This makes it easier for users to get their nicotine fix without the harshness of inhaling smoke from combustible tobacco.

How Many Cigarettes Equals One IGET Vape?

A typical 600-puff IGET contains 2.4 ML of e-liquid at the same nicotine concentration level as three packets of cigarettes (based on 20 cigarettes per packet). While this varies depending on each person’s individual smoking habits, this number can provide an estimate for those who are trying to compare their current smoking habits with the amount they would get from an IGET vape. It’s important to note that each person’s experience with vaping will vary based on individual usage patterns, such as how often they puff on their device and how much nicotine they choose in their e-liquid cartridge.


The IGET vape provides smokers with a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes while still providing them with the same amount of nicotine they would expect from a pack of smokes. With its refillable cartridges and various flavors and nicotine levels available, users can customize their vaping experience according to their personal preferences. And although it’s hard to accurately say what’s actually in these things due to production issues, one thing we do know for sure is that a typical 600 puff iget contains 2.4 ML of e-liquid at the same nicotine concentration level as three packets of cigarettes — which makes it one of the smallest yet most potent vapes on the market today!

