If you vape, chances are you’ve had to deal with the process of refilling your vape pen at some point. Although it may seem daunting at first, refilling your vape pen is actually a pretty simple process. All you need is a little patience and the right supplies, and you’ll be good to go in no time. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of refilling a vape pen step by step.
Step One: Prepare Your Supplies
Before you start refilling your vape pen, it’s important to gather all of the supplies you’ll need. First, you’ll need e-liquid. You can find e-liquid at most vaping stores or online. Once you have your e-liquid, make sure that you have a needle-tipped bottle or syringe that can be used for filling. You’ll also need a paper towel on hand to catch any drips or spills.
Step Two: Remove the Mouthpiece
The first step in refilling your vape pen is to remove the mouthpiece. On most pens, the mouthpiece will screw off easily. Once the mouthpiece is off, locate the airflow holes on either side of the pen’s chamber. These holes allow air to flow into the chamber and are essential for vaping. Be careful not to lose anything while removing the mouthpiece — the O-rings that sit on either side of the mouthpiece can be easy to misplace.
Step Three: Fill the Chamber with E-Liquid
Once the mouthpiece is off and the chamber is exposed, it’s time to start filling it with e-liquid. If you’re using a needle-tipped bottle or syringe, carefully insert the tip into one of the airflow holes and squeeze e-liquid into the chamber until it’s full. If you’re using a bottle with a wider tip, you can carefully pour e-liquid into the chamber without inserting the tip into an airflow hole. Just be careful not to overfill the chamber — you should leave enough room so that air can flow freely through the airflow holes when you replace the mouthpiece.
Step Four: Replace the Mouthpiece and Enjoy!
Once the chamber is full, replace the mouthpiece and screw it on tightly. Make sure that both O-rings are in place before screwing on the mouthpiece — if they’re not, your vape pen might leak. Once everything is screwed on tightly, give your pen a few smokes draws to make sure that everything is working properly. If everything seems good, congrats! You’ve successfully refilled your vape pen!
As you can see, refillable vape pens are not as difficult as they may seem at first glance. With a little patience and attention to detail, anyone can do it! We hope that this blog post has been helpful in walking you through how to refill your vape pen successfully.